Chose the right theme!
You have a brilliant idea what to blog about or what to present on your website and need to have it looking good? We will guide you in the process of picking a suitable theme for your WordPress installation.
We will talk about the things to consider and the mistakes to avoid. Have a sneak peak into responsive design and page performance that a both essentially driven by the choice of your theme. Some methods to tweak your theme will be covered.
For advanced users we also will have a brief look into child-themes, why you should opt for such and how to set them up fast and maintain them easily.
The presentation given will be very hands on. Feel free to have you computer with you to follow up some steps during the talk. All the basics are no-code examples, only the advanced part is targeted to developers that should already be familiar with GitHub and/or WP-CLI.
Date: Thursday, 24. August 2023
Time: 17:00 to 19:00
Venue: CoastWorking Diani Beach, Beach Road @ Lotfa Resort
We are the WordPress Community of Diani Beach. Generally we’ll meet monthly every 4. Thursday from 5:00 pm at the Coast Working Diani Beach, Diani Beach Rd. @ Lotfa Resort.
Our meetups are open for everyone interested, no matter if user, developer, designer or entrepreneur. Feel welcome in our diverse group with various skill and knowledge levels.
We try to cover a specific topic (we are open for requests!) within the first hour. After this we will have an open discussion of all matters WordPress and related things.
Please RSVP here:
More info can be found on our website, on Twitter, Facebook or
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